Web tabs help you to open web pages like company-wide announcements, web applications, etc. inside Zoho CRM. All the Zoho CRM users across the organization can view these web tabs. You can also create your own applications using Zoho Creator and access them inside Zoho CRM. By default, the web tabs functionality is available only to the users with Administrator privilege. However, you can also activate this functionality for other users.
Using the Web Tabs functionality you can create web tabs and access web applications or Zoho Creator applications through it. By default, only users with Administrator privilege can create, edit or delete web tabs. However, you can activate this functionality for other users also.
To activate web tabs for users
By default, only users with Administrator's privilege can create web tabs. However,users with Customize Zoho CRM permission enabled can also have access to the web tab functionality. You can create a maximum of 25 tabs, each with a unique name.
To create web tabs
With the Web Tab functionality, you can now access applications, that are designed using Zoho Creator, within your Zoho CRM account. For instance, you can create an application that lists outs the major announcements or latest events in your organization, or forms that calculate the sales commission, keeps track of travel expenses and marketing budget. To access Creator applications within Zoho CRM, you need to first create an application using Zoho Creator. Then, you can create web tabs with the link for the Creator application.
Part 1 - To create applications using Zoho Creator, see Zoho Creator Help
Part 2 - To create web tabs with the Creator application link
As an administrator, you can delete the unwanted web tabs that are no more in use and create new ones to access various Creator applications in Zoho CRM.
To delete web tabs