Troubleshooting Blueprint

Troubleshooting Blueprint

1. I am not able to find a blueprint that I created.
Check whether All Modules is selected under Setup > Process Automation > Blueprint. Only then Blueprints created for all modules will be displayed in the list view.

2. Transitions are not shown for a user with a custom profile.
If a particular transition, which is visible to admins, is not also visible to users who have a custom profile or a particular role, or who are part of a specific department, make sure the user has been added to the Before part of the transition. Then the transition will be available in the record detail page.

3. Will a record that enters a Blueprint go through an approval process?
No, it won't. The order in which the automations are executed is : assignment rules > workflow rules > approval process > Blueprint > case escalation rules.
It means the record would have already gone through the approval process before entering Blueprint.

4. Why is the state showing as "None" when I create a Blueprint?
The state "None" appears for all picklists in the Deals module, except Stage. If you do not want to trigger the blueprint when the stage is "None", then give the entry criteria as "Pick list is Not Empty", or remove the None state.

5. Some fields are not displayed when I create a Blueprint. Why is this?
File upload and image upload fields are not supported in the During action of a Blueprint or in the transition criteria.

6. How is the related list checklist on the record detail page created?
If you have created a checklist in the During action for a transition, it will appear on the record detail page as a related list once the user completes the checklist for the record in the Blueprint.

7. Why is a record not entering the Blueprint?
Make sure that the record matches the entry criteria set for the Blueprint. Blueprints will also not trigger for unapproved or rejected records.

8. Why are records created through APIs not entering the Blueprint?
Ensure the Blueprint trigger is added in the request body of the API code.
Sample format:

9. I have completed two out of three checklist items specified in the Blueprint, but the checklist is not appearing in the record's related list.
The checklist will only appear in the related list when all items on the list and the transition itself are completed.

10. Why can't I rearrange the transitions in the Blueprint?
Due to the way Blueprints are designed, the transitions will be shown in the order they are created and cannot be rearranged.

11. We have a layout rule to display the "Industry" picklist when the Company Name field is filled in. But this picklist does not appear if the record fields are filled in via a Blueprint transition. Why is this?
The field will only be displayed when a record is filled via a Blueprint if it is set as Mandatory in the layout rules.

12. When I publish the Blueprint, I see an error message which says "There are one or more loops found in your Blueprint. When stuck in a loop, the record remains inside this Blueprint with no possible exit through transitions." I cannot save it.
This alert indicates that a record will get stuck a loop cycle going through the same transitions over and over with no way to exit the loop in order to complete the process of the Blueprint. Click on the Review button to view and resolve the loop.
For example, in this Blueprint, the "Re-attempt" and "No answer" transitions (indicated with red lines) shows the loop.

13. I have set notes and attachment as mandatory for a particular transition but when I run the Blueprint, I cannot find the button to save it and am just shown the next transition.
If a Blueprint is set as continuous and you have set the notes and attachment as mandatory, during the process, Blueprint will show the next available transition instead of the Save button.
Screenshots for comparison

14. Why am I getting an error alert when I add criteria to a blueprint?
You may have reached the maximum limit for criteria in a Blueprint , which is 25.

15. I have added a new state in the Blueprint but its not visible in the record's picklist field. How can I fix this?
Blueprints are layout specific. Please ensure that the record is assigned to the layout where the new state was added.

16. I need to insert more message content in the During transition, but I am seeing an error "Message must be less than or equal to 300". Is there any workaround for this?
Yes, there is a workaround. You can add the content in multi-line field and insert it into the message content using a #multiline merge field.

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