MiiTel For Zoho CRM

MiiTel For Zoho CRM

This integration is supported for users in the US and JP DCs.


The MiiTel extension provides seamless telephony integration for Zoho CRM, enabling users to effortlessly make and receive calls directly within the CRM platform. The MiiTel telephony widget is conveniently positioned in the bottom right corner of Zoho CRM, allowing calls to be made from any module by clicking the call button next to a phone number. All call activities, both incoming and outgoing, are recorded in the Call module with comprehensive details.


Installation Steps

Step 1: Installing MiiTel for Zoho CRM extension   

  1. Navigate to CRM Setup > Marketplace > All.
  2. Click All Extensions, then search for and click MiiTel for Zoho CRM.
  3. Click Install Now.
  4. Select the following checkboxes:
    1. I have agreed to the Terms of Service.
    2. I authorize MiiTel for Zoho CRM to access and process my data as required.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Select an option in Choose Users/Profiles.
  7. Click Confirm. The extension will now be installed for the specified users.
  8. Enter MiiTel Access Key and MiiTel Company ID in the Extension Settings pop-up.
  9. Click Save.
  10. In the pop-up, click Authorize. If you skip this step, you can authorize later from your Setup page in Zoho CRM. To do so, go to Setup > Marketplace > All. Find the MiiTel for Zoho CRM extension and click Configure.

Step 2 : Configuring MiiTel Keys in Zoho CRM 

Once installed, the MiiTel account needs to be configured with Zoho CRM:
  1. Under widget settings (MiiTel Account), there is a tab called JavaScript ウィジェット (JavaScript widget).
  2. Copy the MiiTel Access Key and MiiTel Company ID from this window.
  3. Paste the key and ID from the previous step into the configuring page in the MiiTel extension in Zoho CRM.

Step 3 : Configuring  Zapikey in MiiTel

  1. The Zapikey will be generated during installation. Copy it and paste it into the following setting page for syncing the caller transcript in Zoho CRM call records note section:
    1. Navigate to MiiTel settings page -> 外部連携 under this section.
    2. Under Outgoing Webhook, click 応対履歴連携設定を追加.
    3. Paste the copied Zapikey in the URL field and save it. 

Seamless Integration

Outgoing calls   

There are two types of outgoing calls:
  1. Direct Call: Make calls directly from phone fields in any module.
  2. Widget Call: Enter a phone number in the widget to make a call.

Incoming calls   

When an incoming call is received:
  1. The MiiTel widget in Zoho CRM will open automatically.
  2. If the caller's details is found in either the Leads or Contacts modules, the corresponding name will appear in the MiiTel widget.
  3. By clicking on the displayed name in the MiiTel widget, you can directly access the contact or lead record associated with the caller.
  4. The system prioritizes searching the Contacts module first, followed by the Leads module.
  5. If no matching information is found in either section, the widget will display the message "連絡先が見つかりませんでした".    

Note: If contact information does not appear in the widget during an incoming call, ensure that you have authorized.

Ending a MiiTel call    

At the end of both incoming and outgoing calls:
  1. A new record will be created in the Call module.
  2. This record will be associated with the relevant module:
    1. For direct outgoing calls, the call record will link to the module where the call was initiated.
    2. If the call is made via the widget, the call record will be linked to the lead/contact if the call is answered. If the lead/contact does not have the phone number, the call record remains unlinked due to a lack of information.
    3. For incoming calls, lead/contact mapping occurs. If the lead/contact does not have the phone number, the call record will not be linked due to unavailable information.
  3. The call summary will be included in the notes section of the call record.
  4. The URL of the MiiTel analytics recorded call will be added to both the description field and notes section. 
Error Information   
The following errors may be displayed if incorrect Company ID and Access Key are provided during the configuration of the MiiTel extension:
  1. Access Key Invalid : アクセスキー 無効
  2. Company ID Invalid : 企業 ID 無効
  3. Keys Not configured : キーが接続されていません。 設定してください。

Uninstallation Steps   

  1. Navigate to Setup > Marketplace > All > Installed Extensions.
  2. Search for the MiiTel for Zoho CRM extension and click Uninstall.
  3. Click OK to confirm and uninstall the extension.

Frequently Asked Questions    

Why should users avoid clicking the maximize button?
The size of the window is too wide for Zoho CRM. This will be fixed in upcoming editions.

Can users schedule calls?
Users cannot schedule calls at the moment. They will have to make calls manually using the MiiTel extension.

Are incoming calls recorded when all users are busy?
 Incoming calls are not recorded when:
  1. All the users are engaged on other calls.
  2. The user's status is set to busy.
  3. As a result, the data will not be tracked into the system. Incoming calls are only recorded when the user's status is available and they do not answer the call.
Are both incoming and outgoing calls tracked?
All outgoing calls are tracked as outgoing in the system. However, for incoming calls, if the user's line is engaged or their status is set to busy, then the data is not tracked. Calls attended by the user are tracked as incoming.

Will missed calls be logged during incoming calls?
Missed calls will not be logged during incoming calls.

What will happen if a note exceeds the character count?
If the number of characters exceeds the character count, the data will be synced into Zoho Analytics, for which a link will be provided.

What should be done if a MiiTel analytics page is open in telephony?
If any MiiTel analytics pages are open in telephony, refresh the page.

What information will be synced in the notes section?
The following information will be synced in the notes section:
  1. Dial Start At
  2. Dial Answered At
  3. Dial End At
  4. Caller Name
  5. Receiver Name
  6. Tags
  7. Speech Recognition Raw
  8. Speech Recognition Summary
  9. Voice Recognition
  10. MiiTel Call Summary
  11. From Number
  12. To Number
  13. Analytics link
Is a forwarded call synced in Zoho CRM?
No, forwarded calls are not synced in Zoho CRM.


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