Links and Buttons - An Overview

Links and Buttons - An Overview

Zoho CRM offers several out-of-the-box features to extend business logic into CRM, which includes the ability to build custom fields, forms, modules, and pages to cater the unique needs of your business. In addition to this, you can now start creating your own buttons and links within your CRM account and achieve desired results based on your business needs.

Create links to access third party applications and urls to acquire the desired information. This is an advanced feature that gives you the advantage of integrating content from other sites also in addition to your CRM account, in just a single click.

Use Custom Buttons to extend your Zoho CRM and perform a predefined set of actions based on your requirements. It is an advanced extensibility feature that helps you connect with other Zoho or third-party apps in a single click, replacing the need for complex code or scripting.

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