Zoho CRM × freee Accounting & Invoice Integration

Zoho CRM × freee Accounting & Invoice Integration

This integration is supported for users in the US and JP DCs.


The freee Accounting and Invoice application streamlines accounting and invoice-related tasks. Users who already utilize freee can now integrate it with Zoho CRM to enhance efficiency. New users can also benefit from this extension by automating accounting tasks through a freee account.

Step 1: Installing the freee extension    

You can install the freee extension either from Zoho Marketplace or within your Zoho CRM account:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Marketplace > All. A list of all installed extensions will appear.
  2. Click All Extensions to view the extensions supported by your CRM edition.
  3. Browse for and click freee under All Extensions.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Select the following checkboxes:
    1. I have agreed to the Terms of Service. 
    2. I authorize freee for Zoho CRM to access and process my data as required.
  6. Click Continue to Install.

                                                         Installation : Step1
  7. Choose one of the following options and click Confirm:
    1. Install for admins only - The extension will only be installed for users with the administrator profile.
    2. Install for all users - The extension will be installed for all users.
    3. Choose profiles - Select the profiles manually. Click Confirm, then select the desired profiles.

The extension will be installed automatically for the specified users. 

                                                     Installation : Step2

Step 2: Integrate the freee extension with Zoho CRM   

Once installed, configure the freee extension to integrate the freee Accounting and Invoice application with Zoho CRM.
  1. Authorize the freee using the Authorize or Sign-up option.

                                                        Authorization Page - Step1
  2. Enter the 企業ID (Business Office ID) to which the user belongs.

                                                            Authorization Page - Step2

  1. Before authorization, user should have access to both the freee Accounting and Invoice applications.
  2. After authorization, the admin will receive an email listing all Business Office IDs associated with their account.
  3. To proceed, user needs to enter the correct Business Office ID in the extension settings. This ID allows the integration to connect accurately with the right freee account.

Using freee Integration in Zoho CRM     

With this integration, users can now create deals and quotes on the freee Accounting and Invoice, utilizing features in the Quotes, Deals, and Accounts modules from Zoho CRM. This integration saves time on accounting operations.

Pushing Quotes to freee Invoice Application: 

When user want to push quotes from Zoho CRM to the freee Invoice, they can easily do so by following the below steps.
  1. Navigate to the Quotes module.
  2. Open the record you want to push to the freee Invoice application.
  3. Click the freeeにプッシュ見積もり button at the top-right corner of the webpage.

                                         Quote Push: freeeにプッシュ見積もり Button

  4. If all Zoho CRM products are mapped correctly with the corresponding tax values of freee, quotes will be successfully created in the freee Invoice application and success message will be displayed: "プロセスが完了しました見積書番号  <freee_Quote_Number>".
  5. Once a quote is created in the freee, the freee見積書ID will be updated.
  6. If a user tries to create a quotes again, a pop-up message will be displayed : "見積書は既にfreeeポータルにプッシュされています。".

                                                               Quote Push: Success Page
  1. CRM Fields Synced with freee Quotes Module: Subject, 見積書日, Valid Till, Account Name, Quoted Items
  2. Mandatory Fields: 見積書日 (Quotation Date)
  3. CRM Custom Field that stores freee Quote data → 見積書日, freee見積書ID

  1. Multiple tax associations for a single product is not permitted in the freee Invoice.
  2. Tax rates of Zoho CRM products must match the tax rates available in the freee Invoice application.  The allowed tax rates in freee are: 0%, 8% and 10%  .
If more than one tax rate is associated for a product (or) tax rates are not matched,  the quote will not be pushed to freee Invoice application, and the following error message will be displayed,
Error message:  " Zoho CRM製品に関連付けられている税率が、freee会計項目でサポートされている税率と一致しません。freee請求書税制に従ってください。freeeでサポートされている税率:0%、8%、10%。"

Other Integration Details between Zoho CRM and freee:  


  1. Upon account creation, a Business Partner record will be created in the freee Accounting application and mapped with Zoho CRM.
  2. If an existing Zoho CRM account is not yet linked to a Freee Business Partner, then during account edits or when pushing quotes to Freee, a new Business Partner record will be automatically created in freee and mapped with Zoho CRM.
  3. In both cases, if a partner account with the same name already exists, it will be mapped to the existing partner account to avoid duplicates.
  4. Quotes linked with the corresponding accounts will only be listed under the "freee見積もり" related list if "freeeパートナーID" is not empty.
  5. Deals linked with corresponding accounts will be listed under the "freeeトランザクション" related list.

                                           Accounts View Page: Related Lists

                                                                   Accounts View Page

  1. CRM Custom Field that stores freee Partner data : freeeパートナーID
  2. CRM Fields Synced with freee Partner Module: Account Name, Phone, Billing Address Information.


  1. When the deal stage is updated to 'Closed Won', the deal will be automatically pushed as a transaction in the freee Accounting application.
  2. Each transaction created in the freee Accounting will be mapped to a freee business partner.
  1. CRM Fields Synced with freee Transaction Module: Amount, Closing Date, Account Name, Description. After Deals and Quotes pushed, further updates in Deals & Quotes will not be synced with freee Accounting and Invoice application.

Currency Configuration in Zoho CRM

While the freee application records the currency data in JPY (Japanese Yen), Zoho CRM uses USD (United States Dollars) currency by default. To record currency details in JPY on Zoho CRM, users must manually change the Locale information.
To update locale information:
  1. Navigate to Setup → General → Company Details → Currencies.
  2. Click the Change Home Currency option and choose JPY as the currency.
  3. Once completed, click the Confirm Home Currency button.
Refer here for more details

 Steps to uninstall the extension

  1. Navigate to Setup > Marketplace > All > Installed Extensions.
  2. Search for the Zoho CRM × freee 会計・請求書連携 extension and click Uninstall.
  3. Click Ok to confirm.

                                                            Uninstallation Page

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