FAQs: Deals

FAQs: Deals

Why am I not able to enter the Expected Revenue for deals?

The Expected Revenue is automatically calculated based on the Stage and Amount details that you specify for leads, accounts, deals, or any other module. Hence, you cannot enter that value in the Expected Revenue field. However, you can customize the Stage and Probability mapping that is used to calculate the expected revenue.

How can I customize the Stage and Probability mapping for deals? 

To map the sales stage to probability values, forecast types and categories: 
  1. Click Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields.
  2. Move your mouse over the Deals Module and click Stage-Probability Mapping. 
  3. In the Stage-Probability Mapping page, you will see the existing sales stages. 
  4. Click the Add Stage (+) link to add new stages. 
  5. Click the Delete Stage (-) link to delete existing stages. 
  6. In the Stage-Probability Mapping page, do the following:
    - Enter the deal's Stage Name, its Probability (%) in the respective boxes.
    - Select the Forecast Type and the Forecast Category from the respective lists. 
  7. Click Save.
  8. You can also map the the stage-probability by selecting the Layout of the Deals module, clicking on the Settings icon and selecting Stage-Probability Mapping.

How to create my Open Deals View?

The default list view (All Deals) displays all the deals under various stages. You can also create Open Deals view and make it your default view from the Create View. Follow these steps:

Step 1: While creating the Open Deals View, specify the criteria as Stage doesn't contain Closed Won.

Step 2: Click Save.
Now the "Open Deals" view becomes your default view. For more information.

See also>>   Managing List View .

How can I calculate the expected revenue

The Expected Revenue is automatically calculated based on the Stage and Amount details that you specify for the deals. Hence, you cannot enter a value in the Expected Revenue field. However, you can customize the Stage and Probability mapping that is used to calculate the expected revenue.

Can I customize the Stage History details for deals?

No, you cannot customize the Stage History details for Deals. By default, the stage history details will be listed chronologically.

Can I convert a deal to a contact?

No. You cannot convert a potential into a contact. You can convert a lead into a contact which automatically creates an account and potential.

How to add more than one contact on a deal?

To have more than one contact on a deal you have to create a new custom field in deals module. Follow the below steps:
Go to Setup --> Deal settings --> Field list --> New custom field --> Select Look-up --> Select contacts module --> Save the field. You can create up to 10 look-up fields for each module.

How can I retrieve the "Notes" data associated with a Deal using the CRM API?

Currently it is not possible to retrieve the "Notes" data associated with a Potential using the CRM API. However it is in our road map and we will provide it in our future updates.

What does the option "OPEN Deal" in Advanced Filters mean?

When you filter contacts by the Deal stage using Advanced Filters, you may notice that you have options such as "Deal is OPEN", "Deal is LOST", "Deal is WON".
In this article you will understand what these parameters mean. 

"OPEN deal" refers to a deal that is still being pursued and not closed yet. In this context, the option"OPEN" here points to the Deal Category in your Stage Probability Mapping settings. For each deal stage, you can assign a Deal Category. For example, while a deal is still in the negotiation and legal documents stages, it is still "Open" to be pursued, whereas once it's won or lost, it's gotten a closure. So the deal category is marked "Closed". You have the liberty to mark whichever stages you require as Closed or Open. This setting is what is reflected back in Advanced filters. Whatever you have marked as "Open" here will be filtered when you give criteria as "Deal is OPEN". And subsequently the same logic applies to LOST deals and WON deals. 

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