Default Zoho CRM IPs
Category | Definition | Recommendations |
Temporary Domain Failure | Unable to find the domain connected to this email address. | Some reasons for not being able to find a domain are if the domain's registration has expired or been discontinued, the DNS records of the domain are incomplete, or the domain name is misspelt in the email address. To resolve this issue, we recommend that you ensure that the email domain is valid, then contact the recipient by other modes of communication to check the status of their domain. |
Out of Office | The recipient is not available to check their emails or on vacation. | When the recipient has configured an 'out of office' setting in their mailbox, you will receive an automatic bounce message, mentioning their absence. We recommend that you either wait until the recipient is available again or contact some other person mentioned in their auto-reply for further questions. |
Authentication failure | The email has bounced or is blocked due to the policy restrictions of the recipient's server, or your email relay servers. | When you have not authenticated your email-sending domains in Zoho CRM via SPF, DKIM protocols, or both, any emails you send using non-authenticated domains could bounce due to policy-related reasons. This issue could also occur when the email policy set by your recipient's organization rejects your IPs or domains. Please ensure that you have completed the authentication of your domains inside Zoho CRM, or reach out to your recipients and ask them to check their policy statuses, and preferably to whitelist the sender IPs used by your account to send emails (both the default Zoho CRM IP addresses mentioned in the next section, and your IP addresses if your organization has set up email relay servers). |
Mailbox full | The recipient's mailbox has reached its storage limit. | When the recipient's mailbox has reached its storage limit or is very close to doing so, or when the recipient receives emails with large attachments that their email provider does not support, your emails could bounce back citing 'Mailbox full'. We recommend that you contact the recipient and ask them to free up some storage. You can also verify if the emails you have sent to them contain any large attachments that you could do without. |
Temporary Network Error | Your email relay server has failed to send the email to the intended mailbox. | Relaying refers to the process of transferring emails from one mail server to another to deliver them to the recipient. If there are any issues while performing this action via email relay servers you have set up within Zoho CRM, then the email could bounce citing 'Temporary network error' as the reason. We recommend that you troubleshoot your configured email relay server, and also reach out to the recipient to ask if their email providers, domains, or internal systems have recently gone through any major changes or disruptions. |
Content related | This email has been marked as spam by the recipient's email server. | When an email has been flagged manually as spam by your recipient, or if it is automatically being filtered out by the spam filters of your recipient's server, then those emails could bounce citing 'Content related' as the reason. We recommend that you check your email for reasons why it could have been marked as spam. This includes the content you send, the URLs in your email, the type of attachments you are trying to send, and so on. Also, ensure that you have authenticated the domains connected to your email addresses, via SPF, DKIM, or both via Zoho CRM, to reduce the possibility of your emails landing in spam. |
Others | The recipient's mailbox is not reachable due to unknown reasons. | When an email bounce reason does not fall into any of the above-listed categories, it will be marked as 'Others'. One of the possible solutions is to ask your recipient's organization to whitelist the IP addresses your Zoho CRM account uses to send emails. This includes the default IP addresses, as shown in the section below, but could also include your IP addresses if you have set up email relay servers. We recommend that you resolve the issue with your recipients before unblocking them inside Zoho CRM for future email sending. Continue monitoring mail sent to them to avoid future blocks which will also have an impact on your deliverability. |
Category | Definition |
Sender Denied | Cannot email this address, as your sender domain has been blocked by the recipient. |
Bad domain | The recipient's email address contains a domain that doesn't exist or is no longer active. |
Bad Mailbox | The recipient's email address does not exist or is no longer active. |
Policy related | Unable to email this address due to restrictions by the recipient's server, or by your email relay servers. |
Protocol error | Unable to email this address due to technical issues in your emailing protocols and/or SMTP servers. |
Relay prohibited | Unable to send emails to this address as the email relay servers you have configured do not recognize you as an authenticated user. |
Routing error | Cannot email this address, as the recipient has issues with the configuration of their email server. |
Potential spam | This occurs when an email is found to be spam by the recipient's email server. |
Other | The recipient's mailbox is not available, or we receive bounce reasons that cannot be explained using the categories listed above. |