Create a Continuous Blueprint

Create a Continuous Blueprint

Unlike a regular blueprint, which is suitable for an intermittent process, a continuous blueprint allows you to design a process that occurs without any pauses. For example, call scripting.


A sales organization wishes to create a continuous blueprint to help their sales reps with call scripts. The sales call is a process carried out in one go. The stages of the process are:

  • Exchanging pleasantries
  • A brief introduction to the product
  • Pricing info
  • Scheduling another call
  • The prospect showing interest in the product
  • The prospect saying that they are not interested

You can create a blueprint to guide a sales rep through a call by organizing the different stages in the call and displaying the scripts* to be spoken at every stage.

(*)To add a call script, simply include the script as a "Message" in the During Transition tab of every transition.

To create a continuous blueprint

  1. Go to Setup > Automation > Blueprint.
  2. Click Create Blueprint.
  3. In the Create Blueprint pop-up, enter a name for the blueprint, choose the modulelayout, and field the blueprint applies to. In our scenario, the details will be:
    • BlueprintName: Sales Call Script
    • Module: Contacts
    • Layout: Standard
    • Field: Call Stage
  4. Specify criteria for records to enter the process, if applicable.
    If you don’t enter criteria, all records created in the selected layout will enter the process.
  5. Enter a Description for the process.
  6. Enable Continuous Process under Advanced Settings.
  7. Choose the owner of the process.
  8. Click Next.

The rest of the procedure to create a continuous blueprint is the same as for creating a regular blueprint.

Differences between Regular Blueprint and Continuous Blueprint

Regular BlueprintContinuous Blueprint

Process is intermittent. Each stage could occur at different points in time.

Process is continuous. All stages occur at one shot, without a pause.

Different stages of the process can have different owners.

The entire process can have only one ownership.

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