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Troubleshooting Blueprint
1. I am not able to find a blueprint that I created. Check whether All Modules is selected under Setup > Process Automation > Blueprint. Only then Blueprints created for all modules will be displayed in the list view. 2. Transitions are not shown for ...
FAQs: Blueprint
What is a Blueprint and how it is useful for my business? Blueprint in Zoho CRM is a sophisticated tool designed to digitally replicate and streamline a business's offline processes within the CRM software. It's particularly beneficial for companies ...
Check Blueprint Usage Reports
Blueprint Reports will give you valuable insights about your business processes and their execution and help you streamline them better. Blueprint reports of two types - Built-in reports and Customized reports. Built-in Blueprint Reports Following ...
Create a Continuous Blueprint
Unlike a regular blueprint, which is suitable for an intermittent process, a continuous blueprint allows you to design a process that occurs without any pauses. For example, call scripting. Scenario A sales organization wishes to create a continuous ...
Executing a Blueprint
Access My Blueprint Records Once the Blueprint has been configured, records meeting the process criteria will enter the process and the Transition Owners mentioned in the Blueprint will be able to execute their respective Transitions. In order to ...